Celebration lamp broadcasts

Celebration lamp broadcasts

Is it still possible to get multiple 120's broadcasted with a celebration lamp or was that removed due to too much spam? I saw a post of a guy using it a while back for maxing his account and only 1 skill got broadcasted. I can't find any more info on this but I am planning to do this with 14 120s and it would be a shame and some pain in my heart if only one got broadcasted. If anyone or a mod maybe has some info on this it would be very much appreciated. Can't find anything in patch notes but if it has been patched I'll just do 1 at a time because it's quite the accomplishment for myself. Just thought it would be cool to have them all in 1 tick

10 se planning kar raha tha Ye wala exact 3 piece Pehnunga Farewell pe. 11th mein Allen karwaya that pichle saal to ab ye sapna hi reh jayega🤧Upar se tum log Aur G*nd jala rhe ho Pics post karke.

I got this 2ct opal in a lot

I bought a gemstone lot for a big chunk of change and was worried that I wasnt going to find anything of value until I found this. Its highly phosphorescent so believe it’s australian in origin it weights between 2ct and 2.05 (I dont trust the scale I used for supreme accuracy)

"> I bought a gemstone lot for a big chunk of change and was worried that I wasnt going to find anything of value until I found this. Its highly phosphorescent so believe it’s australian in origin it weights between 2ct and 2.05 (I dont trust the scale I used for supreme accuracy)

Design changes everything. Discover Kohler’s powerful collaboration with creative director Laura Kim, inspired by the Veil smart toilet in Honed Black.

Design changes everything. Discover Kohler’s powerful collaboration with creative director Laura Kim, inspired by the Veil smart toilet in Honed Black.

Senso di colpa nella relazione passata (e attuale)

Account throwaway. Preciso che sto già in terapia da due anni ma con il mio terapeuta discutiamo di altri aspetti della mia vita. Cerco di semplificare il più possibile anche se in realtà mi è difficile riassumere tutto. Poco più di 2 anni fa si è conclusa una relazione di tre anni (la mia prima, nonostante l’età, 29 anni) con quella che era la mia ex (più o meno coetanea). Era una relazione a distanza quindi la frequentazione effettiva era relegata a massimo un weekend al mese più qualche periodo poco più lungo durante le festività o ferie. La sua situazione personale non era semplice e ha limitato anche la relazione stessa. Per dire, abbiamo fatto solo due vacanze di pochi giorni insieme, e di cui una “di nascosto”. Visto la mia maggiore libertà, giustamente, ero io che andavo da lei. Nell’ultimo periodo della relazione si è trovata con una situazione a casa emotivamente difficile e unita ad un mio disinteresse (così percepito da lei) si è legata sentimentalmente ad un’altra persona e subito dopo l’ultima vacanza mi ha lasciato. Da lì nessun contatto. Circa due-tre mesi dopo ho incontrato la mia ragazza attuale con la quale abbiamo iniziato una relazione (inizialmente ero titubante dato il recente rapporto finito, poi mi sono coinvolto). Aldilà che anche questa è una relazione difficile ma non tossica, visto che c’è rispetto reciproco, ultimamente ho avevo modo di ripensare alla mia relazione precedente. Più ci penso e rielaboro il tutto più mi sento in colpa di come mi sono comportato. Mi rendo conto che sia stata male per causa mia. Premetto, se vogliate credermi, in quei momenti che magari si sfogava con me io ero distante non perché non mi interessasse ma perché non sapevo come consolarla, non sapevo trovare le parole. Ultimamente questi pensieri sono molto più ricorrenti e mi fanno stare male. Inoltre mi sento ulteriormente in colpa perché sto pensando alla ex invece di concentrarmi sulla mia relazione attuale. Ci sarebbero altre cose da dire, ma se volete posso approfondire in qualche commento.

Ian (FD3)

Ian definitely had a big ego going on in FD3, reminds me so much of Sean William Scott's character in the first Final Destination.

Power Outage Now Keyboard isn’t working

Hi everyone, I’m asking for my boyfriend since his chillkey nd65cshe stopped working after his power outage - what can we do? It’s not working when he clicks it. I feel very useless and sad for him! How can we try fixing it?

Daniel Vávra, 4 minutes clip about why they choosed continuing in CryEngine 3 over Unreall (vid. have English Subtitles)

Why in the first game: Because there was nothing else that could run it outside of proprietary engines. Why in the second game: a longer talk about how the Unreal Engine is still actually not very good for open worlds, they tried but had problems with lights and vegetation which looks realistic on Unreal but in his words "You need an 8000 dollar computer to run the whole forest". He also says that from what he heard from the Witcher 4 developer they have been working on Unreal for 2 years and their open world still doesn't work. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dRQUeVhs7co](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dRQUeVhs7co)

H: 3 Ranger W: Apparel or some Leaders

What happened to this city?

24M Driving all afternoon for anyone who wants to talk, vent, or just yap

Looking for some good conversion while I am on the road. I’m a nerd, gamer, US military veteran, and I’ve travelled most of the world at some point so reach out if you wanna talk!

Can't help but assume I'm rejected bc of my height

Got laid and the first thing she told me in the morning was "I want to stay friends". I asked why and she says "I'm not ready for a relationship" Well, okay... Fair enough. Then there were couple other instances where I was told the same thing. I never asked "Is it because of my height?" bc I didn't wanna appear insecure. I always assume that they were too polite to tell me the harsh truth. Hate to be left second-guessing.


I think I’m close to remission from BPD

As the title says. For the last maybe 3 months? I’ve felt so much better emotionally. I got surgery on my right knee and, although physically I’m recovering, it’s given me a chance to rest mentally and focus on myself. I’ve expanded my social circle by joining an amazing book club focused on women’s literature, I haven’t *tw* sh’d in the ways I’ve used to. My mood has been stable (I also have bipolar disorder and haven’t had an episode in months) However, last year I got diagnosed with level 1 autism so I’ve been focusing on learning strategies to deal with it with an occupational therapist, but I haven’t had the need to do a lot of therapy with my psychologist, and I’ve felt good. I’ve kept the psychosis at bay, despite very short episodes which are nothing compared to my past ones. I’m not saying I’m recovered since you never know what might trigger another episode, but finally feeling stable after years of turmoil is something I wasn’t used to, and now I realize that I actually had to want to get better and get out of my comfort zone. So, I just wanted to share, and show that, despite all the suffering us go through a daily basis, in the end, it can be possible to be stable, of course, after a lot of effort.

Finally found the perfect cardigan

Now you can play your keyboard and the air above it.

Now you can play your keyboard and the air above it.

With You Again

The time we parted, the land beneath us split in two, Floating over the sea of memories—lit dark and dew. A small crack, we thought we could hold ours tight, But time showed something that we couldn't fight. The waves whispered the secrets we tried to ignore, The hands once intertwined now became quite sore. Each day, my eyes saw you a mile away from the bay, As my heart moved to night while you went through day. The echoes of our laughter dissolved into despair, The breeze carried the longing between the pairs. Time drifted apart, and so did our hearts, moving slow, To an extent where even the wind could no longer blow. The tides gently ebbed and flowed over my corpse, lost, As I lay flat on the sand, waves reminding me of our past, Wiping away my tears, dissolving into the depths, Where our moments in time were kept under breaths. I wished I could see you forever, at least worlds apart, But you became a pale dot in my heart—a tiny part. Then, you vanished the next day into the horizon forever, My eyes locked onto the place you’d gone—into never. Sitting alone in silence, along the silent sea of my island, The moon told stories; waves sang me to sleep on the sand. But every second, my hopes shivered cold for your bless. It's been a year; my eyes don't tear, left dried and lifeless. The night seems serene but stranded alone without you, Bleeding my heart, my corpse pulling apart—a pain to view. The sand held my body, but my eyes still hoped to see. Should I let myself rot in my grave or jump in to be free? I saw my friend, the moon, for the last time and bid farewell. I jumped into the sea of our memories, to consume me well. I swam across for days and months; the night never fell. I never had something to hold—I kept moving till my end calls. The memories drowned me within them; I wished I could live, But it's a dream—my soul wants to live with you and dive. The happy, the sad, the empty all etched like old stories, Finally, my eyes closed—I stayed in our memories. It's been years, and I floated across oceans and lands. Finally, I heard a voice—familiar—and fell upon soft sands. I opened my eyes to see you, a weak smile inside, Left empty and dried, floating across like waste outside. I tried to rise—I couldn't. I cried my last hopes of hope, Crying for your eyes to see me, my body tied in rope. But none worked. Yet, I want to be with you again, again. Even as a ghost or a corpse, I want to be with you again. I tied my body to the land, my eyes gathering your sight Before my bed, a last smile of mine, as I drown in your light. Thankyou for reading...

Morning Kawasaki walk - Shin-Yurigaoka to Yomiuri land, Japan 2025

Help! Should i sell a blue joker?

For those that were not aware, this set is available and should be found anywhere that sells polybags!

🏆 Game Professional | New Arranger : Journey of Role Puzzling Nintendo Switch from Japan

The real king

🌐 24/7 Video Game | New Arranger : Journey of Role Puzzling Nintendo Switch from Japan

H: Caps W: 10mm prime receiver



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Everlasting shoe debate

Looking for all around cushion/comfort with box jumps and du and burpees. I was a metcon person forever but they got too narrow and too firm for me for short runs and box jumps. I’ve been using the Inov8 300 for a bit and they are okayyyyy. Awful for rope climbs. I’d give them a 7/10 because I think they changed their sizing. I have a pair of RADs but honestly only like them for squatting and rope climbs. 4/10 Van Ultrarange too flat. Rope climbs shred them. 6/10 The current line up I’m considering are the Puma fuse Metcon free 6 Haze